Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Perfectionist.

"Art is never finished, only abandoned."
-- Leonardo Da Vinci

Tonight my little blades... I am off to sleeeeep... Stupidly long day. Amazingly inspiring and juicy with some stunning synchronicities and I shall delve into them tomorrow!

For now, I was just looking over my memoir -- before I send it out -- and I totally get what Da Vinci was saying -- sometimes you just have to abandon your art because it is obsessive to keep picking at it sometimes...

Like an artistic open wound. Zoiks! And thus, I am alllllmmmosssttt done with it. I have decided on the following:

1. Final Edit. I am going to read through the entire 51 pages once more before sending it off. I will also edit the cover letter. And then, with a prayer and all of my love, I shall send it off -- to the editor and the agent!!!

2. The Scholarship. I am going to also send part of this excerpt to Breadloaf -- the amaaaazing writer's conference I attended last summer -- as part of my application for the brand new scholarship they are offering.

3. The Casting Director. I am meeting with her tomorrow at 12noon. Entourage casting director! Very exciting!!! 

More juicy things happened... and tomorrow, after my walk with Gatsby and after my final edits for my memoir, I shall sit down cozily on my couch and write a juicy blog about all of the amaaazingly exciting things that have been abounding -- honestly, they are mind-blowing!!! Manager referral, HUGE audition referral, lawyer phone call... Lots of great stuff!!!

Love always... And always know how much it means to me to have you all reading my blog. The world :):):)

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