Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The turning of the Soul.

"That's what education in its deepest sense is - the turning of the soul."
- Cornel West

This is the last page of SNIFF!!!

And... Bruce Springsteen is my hometown. Whenever I listen to his music, it just sounds like the truth. He turns my soul.

Night, night all my little blades near and far...

p.s. I interviewed Cornel West for The Columbia Spectator when I was an undergrad. Super charismatic.

Another dream of mine... To see Bruce in concert. (My neighbor and dear friend Julie just told me she saw him in concert!) 

And... to be the Bruce Springsteen of my generation of actors and writers.

p.p.s. I did not do my 5 things today. I took a break. Tomorrow I shall.

And if I haven't said it in a bit, I am grateful for all of you... For reading and appreciating me. Here's to all of us!!! All of our golden year. All of our dreams coming blazingly true.

Love... Always.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oh my gosh, elliott -- i SO agree with you regarding Cornel West -- and I think that's why my instinct was like -- "publish Bruce and not Cornel."

    And when Bruce was young... wow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i sooo agree with you about the hellacious corporatizing of America and the world over!

    But the truth is -- I never really knew Bruce before he became like that -- the muscles and all, the maw, but now that I am growing up and getting older -- I am discovering him for the first time -- who he was and what he still so sacredly represents and i DIG HIM.

    I love that you love Sniff. That makes me SO happy!!!

    Keep your comments coming -- they SO inspire me. I am still looking to rent "Somewhere In Time!"

    How was laying down in the grass?

  5. Very nice. The the auto-sprinklers decided to join in and the little rainbows in their mist put on a dazzling show. Got soaked and giddy.

    Me thinketh mine neighbor thinketh me nuts. What, with the late nite screams, rattling chains and all... ;-)

  6. PS~
    You'll love Somewhere In Time the mostest. The actress / playwright connection, how the story came to be, the wonderful score...

    Lemme know how you find it... okay?
